Monday, May 25, 2015

The Day it Rained on Pentecost

I've heard stories how people in third world countries have to walk through tough "terrain" to get to services.  Well, I have news, if you live in Guthrie, Oklahoma you don't have to endure a super long overseas flight to have this not so pleasant experience.  This was me in between services on Pentecost.  Had to leave my car parked on the dirt road and walk the rest of the way home in the rain.  Oh, and in one video I got crazy and said I was knee deep.  LOL Let's try the word ankle deep.  Apparently I need to go back and learn that children's song that goes something, "head, shoulders, knees, and toes"!  LOL!  Long story short, my brother called the commissioner, and he had people to come and move/remove the tree.